popular-documents-icon Other Photo Document Sizes

A list of other photo sizes that are suitable for permits, certificates, diplomas and universities. Choose the document you need in any of the countries and automatically create your photo to the right size

United Republic of Tanzania 1 doc.

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 doc.

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 1 doc.

Madagascar 1 doc.

Somalia 1 doc.

Yemen 1 doc.

About ID photos and our service

A Comprehensive Visa Photo Guide for All Countries

PhotoGov delivers an in-depth visa photo guide that covers requirements for tourist, work, and other types of visas for all countries. Our vast database ensures that you have access to accurate, up-to-date visa photo criteria, minimizing the risk of application rejection due to incorrect images.

Uncommon Photo Specifications for Professional Licenses and Certifications

Various professional licenses and certifications can have unique photo requirements, depending on the associated organization or field. The following are examples of photo criteria for several professional licenses and certifications:

Medical Licensing Test (USMLE): This exam for medical licensing necessitates a 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm) photo with a white backdrop. The applicant must face the camera directly, with their face taking up at least 50% of the image.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Examination: This accounting certification calls for a 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm) color photo with a white background. The applicant's face should be centered in the frame.

Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification: This project management certification requires a photo size of 1.5 x 1.5 inches (38 x 38 mm) with a white or light-colored background. The applicant should face the camera directly and maintain a neutral facial expression.

Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL): This aviation license requires a photo measuring 45 x 35 mm with a light-colored background. The applicant's face should be positioned in the center of the frame, and both the face and the top of the shoulders should be visible.

Rare Photo Sizes for Special Cases: Understanding Uncommon Requirements

In some instances, individuals may encounter uncommon photo size requirements for specific documents or situations. These rare cases often have unique specifications that differ from standard passport or ID photo dimensions. Here are a few examples of such rare photo requirements:

Dutch Certificate of Conduct (VOG): This document requires a photo size of 30 x 40 mm, with a plain, light-colored background. The applicant should face the camera directly and maintain a neutral facial expression.

Singapore Employment Pass: For this work visa application, a 35 x 45 mm color photo is required. The background should be white, with the applicant's face centered within the frame.

Japanese Certificate of Eligibility: This immigration document necessitates a 40 x 60 mm photo. Applicants must face the camera directly, maintaining a neutral expression, and the photo should feature a plain, light-colored backdrop.

Indian OCI Card: A 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm) photo is needed for this document, set against a light-colored background. The applicant must face the camera directly, with both the face and the top of the shoulders visible in the image.